FIAP Black and White Biennial

Personal information of the person representing the FIAP Operational Member

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By submitting to this FIAP Biennial this entry form with the information in it, I ...will be automatically filled with field name.... hereby grant permission to the International Federation of Photographic Art (Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique, FIAP) and/or the organizer of this Biennial in my name and in the name and on behalf of all participating authors of the Operational Member ....will be automatically filled with FIAP Operational Member name.... for using the information in this form to review and respond to this Operational Member’s entry, including the management of this Biennial for which this Operational Member applied and I agree in our names and on our behalf that our names and identities may be revealed in descriptive text or commentary in connection with the images submitted by this Operational Member. FIAP and/or this Biennial organizer may at any time use and/or publish for non-commercial, educational, promotional or reporting purposes without any compensation, remuneration, royalties or any other payment to the above authors or me, any of the awarded, accepted or rejected photos of this FIAP Biennial, always together with the name of the photographer, including but not limited to their websites, newsletters, social media and other electronic or printed materials. I also declare in our names and on our behalf that we are aware that any information published on the internet is accessible to millions of users from all over the world, that it will be indexed by search engines and that it may be copied and used by any web user. This means that once our photographs and names are published on the Internet, FIAP and/or the Biennial organizer have no more control over its subsequent use and disclosure. I also waive in our names and on our behalf the right to inspect or approve the images prior to any usage by FIAP and/or the Biennial organizer. It is my sole responsibility to inform FIAP, if any of the participating authors of the above Operational Member (including myself) does not wish for our pictures and/or names to be published.

I declare that all participating authors of the above Operational Member (including myself, if this is the case) are the exclusive authors/owners of the submitted photos, that the material is our exclusive and original work, and that the use, reproduction, distribution and broadcasting of such material by FIAP will not violate anyone else’s intellectual property rights.

If there are identifiable people in any photo of the participating authors of the above Operational Member, by submitting these photographs, I declare in our names and on our behalf, that all participating authors of the above Operational Member (including myself, if this is the case) have the consent or model release from each of these persons in our photos (and if under age 18, signed by their parent or guardian) and I can provide copies of these releases if requested, otherwise I assume the complete and exclusive responsibility for any of these photos or any of these authors and for any lack of consent, whenever and wherever required.

I agree in our names and on our behalf to indemnify, defend and hold harmless FIAP and/or the Biennial organizer, their respective subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, employees, attorneys, agents and representatives, from any and all third party liability for any injuries, loss, claim, action, demand or damage of any kind arising from or in connection with this FIAP Biennial, including, without limitation, any third party claim for copyright infringement or a violation of an individual’s right to defamation, or privacy and/or publicity right.

I certify that I am 18 years old or older and that I have already informed all participating authors of this Operational Member about the above-mentioned terms and conditions so that they are already aware about them. I declare that I have received full authorization from all participating authors of my Operational Member or from their parents or legal guardians (in case of participants under 18 years old) to grant the above permissions and make the above declarations and waivers in their names and on their behalf. I have read and fully understood the contents herein and I accordingly consent to the above in the name and on behalf of all participating authors (including myself, if this is the case).

You must read and accept the privacy policy
